Codafication are an Australian tech company hell-bent on building beautiful software that revolutionises how data is captured and utilised.

The challenge

Codafication were on the brink of something amazing... Their products had the capacity to revolutionise how data was captured — catapulting even the most stubborn dinosaurs into the 21st century. Yet they hadn't been able to capitalise on this potential. Problematic confidentially clauses with their clients, coupled with an inability to tell their story succinctly were stopping them from cracking the big time.

The brief

Codafication were looking for a creative team to help them articulate WHO they were, then establish a clear go-to-market strategy.

They also wanted help to define a new brand name, visual identity, tone of voice and accompanying style guide in preparation for their latest B2C product offering.

Our approach

The first thing we did was to get ‘under the hood’ of WHO Codification were. In short, we wanted to ‘unlock’ their purpose in order for us to properly articulate their story.

So we flew up to their head office in Brisbane and conducted an intensive branding workshop with their leadership team.

From there we fully immersed ourselves into their world, getting to know their business, their competitors, and their wider industry.

The result

Battling the impending pandemic, we met twice a week over Zoom to deliver a huge program of work that included a comprehensive brand strategy book, naming strategy, go to market strategy, as well as a new tone of voice and visual identity that stretched across all of their brands including they new product called Crunchwork.

It all looks amazing.
— ​Dominique Tuck, Customer Success Officer
It was an awesome experience working with Rob. I really got a lot from it, and I’m sure there is more we can do in the future together.
— ​Daniel Sandaver, Managing Director