Cover Genius are one of Australia’s fastest growing businesses, selling insurance to both leading online brands and individuals in over 60 countries.

The challenge

Despite their rapid growth, Cover Genius had devoted little time to their brand since their launch in 2014. As a result, their tone of voice and look-and-feel was applied inconsistently throughout each of their markets. In addition to this, they weren’t able to harness a messaging plan that articulated all the good things they do — which meant they weren’t able to take full advantage of all their opportunities. On top of this, they had ambitious plans to add more products, however their inconsistent visual language and unfocused messaging framework made it hard for consumers to decipher the benefits of each of their services. 

In short, their brand was looking dated and disjointed, and didn’t match their desired aspirations. So it was time for them to rethink their brand strategy, and create a consistent new tone that set them up for the here-and-now, and into the future.

The brief

Define a new brand strategy, then use this to articulate a new tone of voice and visual identity that would unite Cover Genius’ suite of products, and work throughout all 60 of their international markets.

Our approach

Our first step was to CONFIRM and document the brief, process, costs, timelines and output for approval. 

Next, we CONSUMED every bit of detail about Cover Genius’ existing business strategy, future plans, and product suite. We also conducted a series of interviews and workshops with their executive team, and completed an audit of their competitors and wider industry.

Next we further defined our process, and set up two sessions a week —one with the core operational team, and one with the executive approval team. From there we CREATED the Cover Genius brand strategy. This was a detailed articulation of everything that they stood for, including their purpose, personality, principles, manifesto and messaging matrix. All of which gave us the framework to build how Cover Genius looked and sounded.

From there we moved onto the CONCEPT phase. This was where we translated the brand strategy into a series of prototypes across key media that demonstrated a new tonal direction for Cover Genius. Each concept showcased all the core ‘ingredients’ that made up the Cover Genius brand tool kit, including image styles (photography, illustration and iconography), brand device, tone of voice, colour and typography.

Next we CLARIFIED everything into a detailed set of rules and guidelines. 

Lastly we COACHED the internal teams both in Australia and overseas to help bed-in the new brand so everyone was clear on how it should be applied.

The result

In just six months, we delivered an all-encompassing branding strategy and revamped how Cover Genius and its core products looked and sounded, bringing them firmly into the 21st century. In addition to this, we crafted a simple set of messages that allowed Cover Genius to tell its story in a consistent way throughout all its global networks.

A few months after the new brand was launched, Cover Genius secured deals with eBay and Skyscanner (in just 4 weeks with eBay, Cover Genius enjoyed a 513% growth in warranty revenue). In October 2021, Cover Genius secured partnerships with Amazon (the largest retailer in the world) and Ryanair.

By February 2022, Cover Genius had sold a staggering 10m policies and was valued at $1b.


  • 2019: Recognized with insurance, technology and retail industry awards in the US, UK, EU, South East Asia, Australia and beyond.

  • 2020: Awarded #1 fastest growing company by the Financial Times.

  • 2020: Signed new insurance distribution partnerships with eBay and Shopee, Tile, Wayfair and others in the US, Europe and APAC

  • 2022: Added retail giant Amazon as a partner as well as Ryanair.

We engaged M | Academy to assist us with a company-wide brand and visual identity refresh. Rob’s understanding of branding, and his ability to extract our DNA, Vision and Purpose from multiple stakeholders (including our founders) was first class. He then worked with our marketing and design functions to translate that into our newly refreshed visual identity. We couldn’t have been happier with the process and outcome that was provided by M | Academy.
— Luke Targett, Head of Marketing Cover Genius